
Discover PilotC

Consult. Collaborate. Communicate.

Two-man cockpits are essential in aviation, not because a pilot is not capable of flying alone, but to provide a means to communicate and split the work. Even when a commercial pilot is faced with a more complex aircraft and systems, he or she usually has more practice than a private pilot. In fact, most of the training of both private and commerical pilots consists of practicing the behavior under abnormal flight conditions.

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Once the license is obtained, it is a matter of keeping and expanding the knowledge. Whether it is sufficient to just about meet the requirements to maintain the license is another question to be asked. Basically, it is quality over quantity. A minimum amout of hours close to or in the home base’s traffic pattern will never compare to hours tackling the comfort zone.

It is all about learning through experience and developing an instinct to cope with abnormal circumstances. That is easy to say, when being on ground and having plenty of time for decision-making.

There is another solution and the idea is as simple as: decrease the work-load with PilotC

In doing so, the pilot is able to stay calm, focused, and supported to adhere to protocols and standard operating procedures.

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Unlimited Customization

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Dark/Light Mode

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Read Mode

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AI-based Communication & Interaction

Effortless. Intuitive. Supportive.

Exclusively available in the Google Playstore

Feature Comparison

  PilotC light PilotC
Individual checklists
Individual radio cheat lists
Individual emergency procedures
CSV Data import / export
Data editor
Dark / light mode
Communication via artificial intelligence  
Interaction via artificial intelligence  
Speech recognition  
Read mode  
Aircraft data base  

Unleash your will to make a difference with Pilotry

... because not even the sky is the limit